Food Allergy Talk
Food Allergy Talk is hosted by Lisa Horne of Food Allergy P.I. Lisa discusses food allergy related topics with professionals, individuals with food allergies, advocates, and others in the community. Topics include food allergy safety, diagnosis, mental health, legislation, advocacy, dating, travel, dining out, support, cooking, baking, nutrition, and more. If you’re living it or have a question about it, we are talking about it. Lisa is a veteran food allergy mom of a teen with anaphylactic food allergies to peanut and shellfish as a toddler, and later in teen years now allergic to peanut, pecan, shellfish, garlic, and sweet potato. She also manages his siblings lactose intolerance and gluten free diets. She is a published food allergy cookbook author, community advocate for passing food related legislation, certified Holistic Nutritionist, radio broadcaster of 10 years, and food allergy blogger. Be sure to follow or "favorite" Food Allergy Talk, and join Lisa on the next episode. www.foodallergypi.com and on all social media @foodallergypi
Food Allergy Talk
Ep 28: Author, Emily Duty of Can You? A Food Allergy Story | Food Allergy Talk
On this episode of Food Allergy Talk, I welcome Emily Duty, author of “Can you?: A Food Allergy Story”.
Emily is an adult with food allergies, the mother of 2 sons with food allergies and an author and advocate in the food allergy community.
She is also a freelance writer, having recently been published in Allergic Living magazine.
Today we will talk writing a children’s book geared to the food allergy community, being a presence on social media, and about her families journey with food allergies.
Buy a copy of her book, Can You?: A Food Allergy Story , on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Can-You-Food-Allergy-Story/dp/1645438872
Other links mentioned in this episode:
* Emily on Instagram: https://instagram.com/canyouwithfoodallergies
* Jenna Overbaugh - @Jenna.Overbaugh
* Scary Mommy - Why I Worry My Kid Won't Get To See His Next Birthday
* Allergic Living - Our Stories- 2021 This is the issue Emily was featured in, last summer. Part of the "Our Stories, Our Strength" section. Her story was about letting kids just be kids.
Join My Private Facebook Group to connect, support and share: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FoodAllergyPI/
Read My Articles on WebMD: https://blogs.webmd.com/food-allergies/lisa-horne
The Everything Nut Allergy Cookbook: https://www.simonandschuster.com/authors/Lisa-Horne/190009636
The Food Allergy Talk Podcast: https://foodallergypi.com/the-food-allergy-talk-podcast/
Food Allergy P.I. Blog: https://foodallergypi.com
X: @foodallergypi & @fatalkpodcast
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Email: foodallergypi@gmail.com