Food Allergy Talk
Food Allergy Talk is hosted by Lisa Horne of Food Allergy P.I. Lisa discusses food allergy related topics with professionals, individuals with food allergies, advocates, and others in the community. Topics include food allergy safety, diagnosis, mental health, legislation, advocacy, dating, travel, dining out, support, cooking, baking, nutrition, and more. If you’re living it or have a question about it, we are talking about it. Lisa is a veteran food allergy mom of a teen with anaphylactic food allergies to peanut and shellfish as a toddler, and later in teen years now allergic to peanut, pecan, shellfish, garlic, and sweet potato. She also manages his siblings lactose intolerance and gluten free diets. She is a published food allergy cookbook author, community advocate for passing food related legislation, certified Holistic Nutritionist, radio broadcaster of 10 years, and food allergy blogger. Be sure to follow or "favorite" Food Allergy Talk, and join Lisa on the next episode. www.foodallergypi.com and on all social media @foodallergypi
Food Allergy Talk
Ep 27: Halloween Food Allergy Tips | Food Allergy Talk
On this episode of Food Allergy Talk, I welcome the two oldest of my 5 children – Stetson and Isabella. Stetson is 14 going on 15, and anaphylactic to 9 foods. Isabella is 12 and as far as we know she has no known food allergies. The reason we say as far as we know, this Spring we purchased a giant box of peaches and while enjoying one of her favorite fruits she had a slight reaction. We aren’t sure if it was oral allergy syndrome, a fluke thing and maybe a reaction to any pesticides sprayed… we are now in the process of working with an allergist to determine where she is food allergy-wise.
Being just a couple years apart, these two have been best buddies since they were little and have shared a childhood together. I wanted to have Stetson on to tell us about Halloween from his perspective as a child growing up with food allergies, and Isabella as a sibling growing up with a brother with life-threatening food allergies.
We talk all things Halloween including:
Their favorite costumes
Favorite candies
Switch Witch
Halloween Candy Buy Back
Tips for attending parties
Trick-or-Treating tips
Games for parties
and more!
As mentioned in this episode:
Food Allergy P.I. Halloween Recipes and more: https://foodallergypi.com/category/halloween/
FAACT's Teal Halloween:
Halloween Candy Buy Back for Participating Dentists Near You:
The Switch Witch:
Corny Cornbread Muffins we will take to our church trunk-or-treat: https://foodallergypi.com/2019/05/14/corny-cornbread-muffins/
Join My Private Facebook Group to connect, support and share: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FoodAllergyPI/
Read My Articles on WebMD: https://blogs.webmd.com/food-allergies/lisa-horne
The Everything Nut Allergy Cookbook: https://www.simonandschuster.com/authors/Lisa-Horne/190009636
The Food Allergy Talk Podcast: https://foodallergypi.com/the-food-allergy-talk-podcast/
Food Allergy P.I. Blog: https://foodallergypi.com
X: @foodallergypi & @fatalkpodcast
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foodallergypi/ and https://www.instagram.com/foodallergytalk/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@foodallergypi
Email: foodallergypi@gmail.com